Keep Calm and Carry On
Liberty is often the first thing sacrificed in times of crisis, whether it is real or inflated.
Whitmer’s Anti-Gun NRC Appointee Rejected
Thanks to your more than 16,000 emails and countless phone calls to your State Senators, the Michigan Senate rejected Gov. Whitmer’s appointment of anti-gun former Grand Rapids Mayor George Heartwell to the Natural Resource Commission
Chatfield’s Tactical Error
If the goal was to rile up “Moms Against Guns,” Speaker Chatfield succeeded but, if it was to gain political advantage and fight for the Second Amendment, it was a failure.
Constitutional Carry Stalled in Committee!
Another week has gone by and another House Judiciary Committee meeting scheduled, but still no hearing for Constitutional Carry.
Whitmer Appoints Anti-Gunner to Natural Resource Commission
Governor Gretchen Whitmer just appointed known anti-gunner George Heartwell to the Michigan Natural Resource Commission
Gun Control Groups Targeting Michigan in 2020
Gun control groups are looking to spend big in 2020 and Michigan is on the top of their target list.
2A Sanctuary Movement in Danger of Being Hijacked
I’m sure you’ve seen it and may be even be participating in the movement across Michigan, and the nation, to push county governments to declare themselves “Second Amendment sanctuaries.”
Handgun Registration Repeal Introduced in Lansing!
If you live in Michigan and own a handgun, your name is more than likely listed in a government database.
Obama-era gun control filed in Lansing!
Anti-gun Democrats gave Governor Whitmer her way after she announced she was looking for legislators to help her pass more gun control.
What’s Next for Constitutional Carry?
I’ve received many calls and emails from you asking what the next step is for Constitutional Carry in Michigan.