Dems ram gun control through Senate
Senate Democrats continued their highly partisan, anti-gun assault on Michigan gun owners Thursday.
Nearly all 11 Senate Bills (SB 76-86) were passed on party-line votes, sending them to the Michigan State House for consideration.
Republicans held together and voted against all of the anti-gun proposals in the bill package including “Red Flag” gun confiscation, the expansion of the permit to purchase to ALL firearms, and the storage law which will make it nearly impossible for gun owners to protect their homes from an immediate threat.
But despite Senate Democrats ramming their anti-gun bill package through the legislative process with little to no input from Republicans or pro-gun Michiganders, the fight is not over.
Swing district Democrats like Senator Kevin Hertel, who won his election by only 400 votes, now must face the ire of gun owners after falling in line with Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s anti-gun lackeys.
On top of that, with only a week to go before the legislature takes their spring break, the House will be hard pressed to reach a consensus and pass the Senate gun control package.
Especially with pro-gun patriots like you breathing down their necks!
So we must be prepared to keep up the pressure next week and into next month as this fight spills over into April.
You can help by keeping your ear to the ground and your eyes open for any social media or email updates from Great Lakes Gun Rights.
Your contribution of $5, $10, $20, or however much you can afford, will help keep Michigan gun owners and Great Lakes Gun Rights prepared to face down this anti-gun assault on our Second Amendment rights.
The longer this fight drags on, the more likely it is that gun owners will be able to beat back the gun control lobby — and there are more and more pro-gun patriots joining up every day!
Which is why we are already seeing signs of your pressure working when Democrats delayed their vote on the gun control package from Wednesday to Thursday.
I’m not done fighting, and I know pro-gun patriots like you across the state aren’t either.
For Freedom,