City of Eastpointe Violates State Law
In defiance of state pre-emption, the City of Eastpointe is rolling out a new ordinance to punish the victims of crime.
Video of GLGR Executive Director testifying in support of Constitutional Carry
On Tuesday, October 22nd, GLGR Executive Director testified in support of Constitutional Carry legislation (HB 4770-4774) and fielded questions from committee members.
Constitutional Carry Out of First Committee!
Constitutional Carry (HB 4770-4774) was voted out of the House Military, Veterans, and Homeland Security Committee yesterday!
Constitutional Carry Hearing and Vote on Tuesday!
Constitutional Carry (HB 4770-4774) is up for a second hearing tomorrow, October 22nd and is expected to be voted out of committee the same day!
Report on Constitutional Carry Hearing 10/15
Yesterday, Constitutional Carry received its first hearing before the House Military, Veterans and Homeland Security Committee.
Bullet Tax & Open Carry Ban
As predicted the last few months, Democrat lawmakers are starting to file a flurry of radical gun control measures to gin up their base before the 2020 elections.
Constitutional Carry hearing next week!
I just received word that State Rep. Steve Johnson’s Constitutional Carry bill package, HB 4770-4774, is receiving the first of two hearings next week!
Jail time for practicing a right?
Five years in jail.
That’s the penalty for carrying a concealed pistol in the state of Michigan without a Concealed Pistol License.
Unhinged Radicals at the Capitol
If you were in Lansing on September 10th for the 2019 Second Amendment March and happened to be in the House Office Building to meet with your State Representative, there’s a good chance you saw this sign.
Congresswoman Haley Stevens Comes Unhinged at Gun Control Town Hall
Last night, Democrat U.S. Congresswoman Haley Stevens of Michigan’s 11th Congressional District held a gun control town hall at the Multi Lakes Conservation Association in Commerce Township.