Radical Anti-gun Democrat Congresswoman Haley Stevens Eyes U.S. Senate Run

Michigan Congresswoman Haley Stevens is reportedly considering a run for the U.S. Senate, and gun owners in the state should be on high alert—her record of supporting radical gun control measures and opposing the rights of gun owners is well documented.

Haley Stevens’ Radical Anti-Gun Agenda

Stevens, who first took office in 2019, has repeatedly sided with the far-left anti-gun movement, pushing for extreme gun control measures that would strip law-abiding Americans of their rights.

She has aggressively supported unconstitutional universal background checks, draconian red flag laws that violate due process, and outright bans on commonly owned firearms.

The 2019 Gun Range Town Hall Disaster: A Slap in the Face to Gun Owners

Her disdain for gun owners was fully exposed in October 2019, when she had the audacity to hold a town hall on gun control at the Multi Lakes Conservation Association, a respected gun range in Commerce Township, Michigan.

The event, deceptively marketed as a discussion on “gun safety,” quickly spiraled into a hostile anti-gun lecture. Many gun owners and club members, misled into attending, were rightfully outraged when they realized the event’s true purpose—to push Stevens’ radical gun control agenda.

The response was immediate. Gun owners stood their ground, refused to be silenced, and made it clear that her gun-grabbing rhetoric was unwelcome. The event ended prematurely as tensions flared, underscoring just how out-of-touch Stevens is with Michigan’s law-abiding firearm owners. Hosting an anti-gun event at a gun range was not just tone-deaf—it was a direct insult to the very people who respect and exercise their rights responsibly.

A Stevens Senate Run: A Nightmare for Gun Owners

As she eyes Michigan’s open Senate seat in 2026, gun owners must recognize the threat she poses. If elected, Stevens will undoubtedly escalate her anti-gun crusade, pushing for even more restrictive measures that would punish law-abiding citizens while doing nothing to stop violent criminals.

Michigan has a strong tradition of gun ownership, hunting, and self-defense. The last thing it needs is a senator who views the Constitution as an obstacle to her anti-gun ambitions. If Haley Stevens formally enters the Senate race, she should expect fierce opposition from the millions of Michiganders who refuse to surrender their Second Amendment rights.

Join the Fight to Defend the Second Amendment

Now is the time for gun owners to stay informed and engaged. Follow updates on Haley Stevens’ Senate bid and its impact on gun rights by subscribing to our newsletter and supporting Great Lakes Gun Rights in our fight against her dangerous anti-gun agenda.