Great Lakes Gun Rights’ Plans for 2025

After the last two years when we saw our rights under constant assault, it is difficult to figure out where we should go next as a movement.
“Red Flag” Gun Confiscation, a universal permit-to-purchase scheme, mandatory storage, and even more deadly “Gun-Free” Zones are what anti-gun Democrats rammed through the Legislature in just two short years with complete control.
Thankfully, anti-gun Democrats were expelled from their control of the Michigan House of Representatives by voters enraged by their assaults on our rights as Americans and Michiganders.
Power is now divided in Lansing with Republicans taking control of the House with a four-seat majority.
Democrats retain control of the State Senate (it wasn’t up for election in 2024) and the Governor’s Mansion with Gretchen Whitmer.
Gun owner’s victory in the House is great news for our fight to protect our rights, but we can ill-afford to put down our guard for even just a minute.
That’s why Great Lakes Gun Rights is building an aggressive plan to stay on offense in the year to come.
Please show your support for our plan to fight back for our rights by signing your Executive Summary, along with your most generous contribution to help make it happen.
This Executive Summary details our plans for making 2025 a productive year in the restoration of our right to keep and bear arms.
The gun ban lobby isn’t going to take the next year off, and neither can we, so I hope I can count on your support of our plans to stay on offense in 2025!
In 2023, Democrats attempted to silence your voice during their politically charged assault on your Second Amendment rights in the wake of the tragic Michigan State University shooting.
Gretchen Whitmer, her minions in the Legislature, and the gun ban lobby exploited the shooting to ram through three major control bills.
Of course, they were planning on ramming these bills through regardless.
They even admitted it.
Just a week after the shooting, before all the facts were known about how the shooter committed his crime, Democrats in Lansing started holding hearings on Universal Gun Registration, “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation, and mandatory storage laws.
Of course, none of these laws would have stopped the MSU shooter, but you wouldn’t know that since gun rights groups were almost entirely banned from testifying against these bills in committee.
You see, I showed up to virtually every committee hearing, prepared to testify against these draconian bills, but somehow the Democrat Committee Chairs just “never had time” to hear from the opponents of their radical agenda.
Gun control advocates were given seemingly endless amounts of time to present false evidence, presented misleading data, and pushed outright lies to advance their anti-gun narrative, while you and I were never given a chance to counter.
In 2025, GLGR is working to right this wrong by working with lawmakers to repeal Democrats’ gun control agenda and encourage the Republican-controlled House to hold hearings on these repeals.
With Democrats still in control of the Senate and Whitmer still as Governor, I know our chances of repealing these gun control laws are zero.
But if we can get Republicans in the House to hold hearings on repealing “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation, the universal permit-to-purchase scheme, and others, it’ll give us the chance to push back against the gun ban narrative we didn’t have in 2023.
This allows us to set the table for future legislative action to repeal these draconian laws in the future.
As the old saying goes, when’s the best time to plant a tree?
20 years ago.
When’s the second-best time to plant a tree?
We can’t wait for Republicans to have complete control before we start pushing for the repeal of infringements on our rights.
We must start building today and that’s what GLGR is going to do with your help, in 2025.
In addition to our legislative fights, we’re talking with the best Second Amendment attorneys in the state about how best to fight the legal battle against the most egregious infringements passed by Democrats.
Already we’ve been involved in a lawsuit with Michigan Open Carry against the Michigan Legislature for refusing to allow us to testify in committee.
The lawsuit is still ongoing, but we’ve already gotten Michigan Court of Claims Judge James Redford to write an opinion that the Democrat-controlled Michigan House of Reps clearly violated the state’s Open Meetings Act.
Though he declined to rule in our favor, his opinion sent shockwaves through Lansing and the media, as Democrats were finally exposed for their violations of legislative procedure.
We’re continuing this lawsuit and are in talks with Second Amendment attorneys to review the best strategy to strike down Whitmer’s gun control laws in the Courts but can only do it with your support.
Finally, it’s crucial that we continue to build our grassroots army across the state.
The 2026 election cycle is only months away from really starting, with candidates already announcing their campaigns for Governor.
With Gretchen Whitmer term-limited, the race is wide open and it’s crucial we do all that we can to make sure every candidate stands up for our right to keep and bear arms.
Not only that, but both the Michigan House and Senate will be up in 2026, so it’s crucial we keep the pressure on candidates running for these offices as well.
To build our grassroots army, Great Lakes Gun Rights will be meeting with activists across the state, especially in key districts, to make sure folks are properly informed and engaged in the political process.
We’re also working on running targeted ads to find those gun owners who either don’t vote or are unaware of the threats our rights are facing here in Michigan.
The 2024 election cycle showed the power and importance of the Second Amendment in Michigan. Democrats lost four swing seats in the House in districts that are heavily pro-gun.
For example, Democrat State Representative Jenn Hill lost to Republican Karl Bohnak in House District 109, which was the Democrats’ last stronghold in the Upper Peninsula.
Hill, of course, voted for every gun control measure brought before the House, putting her at odds with her overwhelmingly pro-gun district.
There are more districts like this in Michigan and it’s up to us to find those gun owners and plug them into our movement as soon as possible.
All of this is crucial to the future of our rights here in Michigan, so I hope I can count on your continued support.
So, please sign your GLGR Executive Summary to show your support along with your most generous contribution of $90 to help us implement our aggressive plan.
If that’s too much right now, I completely understand. Can you please at least commit to a donation of $90 or even just $60?
We don’t have the deep pockets of the gun ban lobby, but if every gun rights supporter can chip in what they can afford, it’d go a long way.
Thank you for your continued support and activism. I’ll keep you posted in the weeks ahead as our battle plan progresses.
For Freedom,
Brenden Boudreau
Executive Director
Great Lakes Gun Rights